Buying a Home

Buying a Home Navigating Today’s Real Estate Market: A Buyer’s Guide In today’s real estate landscape, buyers face a unique set of challenges. From soaring interest rates to escalating home prices and a notable shortage of available properties, the journey to homeownership can feel like navigating a complex maze. However, with the right approach and guidance, you can successfully navigate these obstacles and secure your dream […]
Buying a Home Resolutions to Make if You Want to Buy a House this Year While the most popular resolutions aren’t going anywhere, like eating healthy, working out, spending less time in front of a screen, if you’re looking to buy a home next year, at least a few of your resolutions should be of the financial variety. Start 2024 off on the right foot by making financial resolutions to […]
Buying a Home Seniors’ Have Great Credit, But Can’t Get a Mortgage Older adults have higher credit scores than any other age bracket, yet studies have shown that they’re substantially more likely to be rejected for most kinds of mortgages. That raises barriers for older Americans hoping to renovate or retrofit their homes, or to extract home equity as a buffer against medical expenses, widowhood or other […]
Buying a Home What should be your first step when buying a home? One of the first steps in your homebuying journey should be getting pre-approved for your mortgage. To understand why it’s such an important step, you need to understand what pre-approval is and what it does for you. A preapproval involves a mortgage lender advising you on what types of loans you qualify for, how much you may be approved […]
Buying a Home Buyer’s Need to Make their Wish List There is no doubt that mortgage rates are higher now than they were last year. If you’re a buyer, the key to making a good decision in this challenging housing market is to be laser focused on what you need now and in the years ahead. Don’t be tempted to stretch your budget, according to […]
Buying a Home Should You Still Consider Buying in this Real Estate Market? The rise in mortgage rates & mounting economic concerns have some people questioning: should I still buy a home this year? While it’s true this year has unique challenges, it’s important to think about the long-term benefits of homeownership before making a decision, according to reports from Keeping Current Matters. If you know people who bought a […]
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