Real Estate Sales

Real Estate Sales Why the Housing Market Won’t Crash Like 2008 Many remember the housing crash of 2008, that impacted the lives of countless people. Many now live with the worry that something like that could happen again. But according to Business Insider, although many believe the housing market is at risk of crashing, the economists who study housing market conditions overwhelmingly do not expect a […]
Real Estate Sales Selling Your Home As-Is: What Does It Really Mean? In real estate, there is a term called “As Is”, which frequently strikes fear in the heart of buyers. But what exactly does it mean, not only for the buyer, but for the seller as well? Let’s take a look at the option to sell your home, basically, in it’s current condition, and what that […]
Real Estate Sales Page Turner of HGTV joins Coldwell Banker Exclusive Page Turner of HGTV’s Fix My Flip fame joined Coldwell Banker Exclusive, according to Lillian Dickerson of INMAN.   Turner is an executive producer, renovation counselor, real estate investment expert and TV personality with 20 years’ of experience in entertainment as well as being a licensed real estate agent across three states, including California, Tennessee and Georgia. On Fix My Flip, […]
Real Estate Sales Six Factors that Affect the Sale of your Home The six factors that influence the sale of your property are: *Location *Competition *Available Financing *Buyers Likes & Dislikes *Marketing *Price Out of these six, we only have control of the last two: Marketing & Price. I can take care of the Marketing. But you, as the Seller, control the Price. By pricing COMPETITIVELY, you’ll […]
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